Frequently Asked Questions

What Refunds are Available?

Each year dozens of antitrust class action settlements pending throughout the country reach the stage where plaintiffs and defendants are ready to finalize a settlement to end costly litigation. These settlements range from tens of millions to several billion dollars.

Your company may be eligible for a settlement refund. In particular, larger or diverse companies with multiple lines of business or affiliated companies may qualify for multiple refunds for each business line or affiliated company. The settlement period for many of these cases can go back well over 10 years; therefore, the opportunity to receive refund money may be higher than you think.

If you think you may be eligible for any settlement, simply contact SRG. Consultations are free, and there may be opportunities you have not considered.


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​SRG contacted you because you may be eligible to receive refund money from one or more class action settlements. Based on your business, we thought you might be part of a class action that is eligible for a refund settlement. We want to help you recover your settlement money if possible.

  • File and monitor your claim
  • Address questions or deficiencies from the claims administrator
  • Respond to any of the claim administrator’s additional requests in order to maximize your recovery
  • Provide additional legal services or subject matter expertise if needed, at no additional cost

​If you received a legal notice, it may have come from the claims administrator designated by the court.  SRG is not a claims administrator, nor is SRG a class counsel.  ​​

​Each case has its own criteria for membership in the settlement class.  If you received or read a legal notice regarding possible eligibility, it is worth contacting SRG.  We can determine your eligibility by filing the claim and consulting with the claims administrator.

Yes. Class action settlements are public record, but many claimants prefer to work with SRG because they do not have the capacity, expertise or resources to file the claim themselves.  While you focus on your business, SRG will focus on a potential refund, as well as future opportunities for “found money.”  We can also serve as consultants for claims or asset recoveries you may be considering.

The size of your refund depends on three factors.  First is the number of eligible companies filing claims for that settlement.  Many companies don’t file claims leaving more money available to class members who do file a claim. Second is the amount of eligible spending your company had during the particular settlement period.  Third is the size of the settlement fund itself.  All three factors can vary widely.  We cannot predict the amount of your refund until all claims are submitted and approved. Let our experienced team help you get the maximum settlement recovery to which you are entitled.

​No. The only reliable answer is that the more eligible spending you had during the settlement period, the larger your potential refund may be.  However, many of our larger clients have received six and seven figure payouts from these types of settlement.

​Class action administration can be a lengthy process.  It can take over a year after the filing deadline, depending on the size and complexity of the settlement.  We only get paid when you get paid, so we want you to receive your refund as quickly as possible!

​Each settlement will have a claim form or Schedule of Purchases to state your estimated or documented amount of spending.   In a “Direct” settlement the defendant companies (companies who sold you the product) will provide transaction records and other spending documentation to the claims administrator.

​You’ll need to provide whatever you can.  SRG will prepare your claim with whatever information you have.  You can use spreadsheets, purchasing reports, invoices, or give reasonable estimates.

Many companies do not keep spending records beyond a certain number of years.  The claims administrators understand this, especially since the settlement periods for major cases can extend back well over 10 years.

A well-documented claim is stronger, but SRG has helped companies get refund money using their best estimates.  SRG will submit statements describing how clients arrived at their estimates.  When necessary, SRG hires case-specific experts to advocate your claim.  Some of our clients have received partial refunds even with minor documentation.  Remember, there is no penalty if your spending estimates are challenged or denied by the claims administrator.

You can decide at any point whether to provide more information, or walk away. This is an opportunity, not an obligation.

​Your business relationships will not be affected.  Remember, the defendant companies paid money into the settlement fund to avoid lawsuits and other problems.  They prefer to settle claims rather than continue litigation.  Once they have paid into the fund, they do not know who gets the settlement money as they do not monitor claimant activity.​

​The process is confidential.  Your claim is listed by number, not by name, and you are listed under SRG’s agency.  SRG will file for you, and we will be the point of contact with the Claims Administrator.  The refund is paid to SRG, as your third party filing agent.  The claims administrator does not disclose your name, since SRG filed your claim.

Each settlement is different.  A consumer settlement is different from a business-to-business antitrust settlement.  Each settlement is unique in size, scope and eligibility factors.

Each refund is also different.  For example, a company’s refund from a freight settlement has no connection to a refund from an electronics settlement.  The only guidelines are the size of your eligible spending, the size of the settlement fund, and how many other companies filed claims.  The vast majority of eligible companies in a class action settlement will not file a claim, or respond to an inquiry from a claims administrator.  That leaves more money for the eligible companies who do take action.

Our clients decide what settlements are worth pursuing.  The larger your eligible spending in a given industry or case, the more it makes sense to file a claim.

There are no damages or cost if your claim is denied.  You simply will not get a refund.  We work with the claims administrator to anticipate questions or objections. If your claim is improperly rejected, SRG will contest the rejected claim. If your claim is ruled ineligible, there is no penalty to your company. There is no downside to filing a claim with SRG. SRG is only paid if you are paid.

​All SRG’s claims are confidential unless a client voluntarily discloses information.  Each settlement’s recovery is based on the unique circumstances of that particular settlement and the client’s own spending.  Therefore, each client has a different experience depending on the case and their spending.  Let SRG help you determine and receive your maximum recovery.

​SRG will send one check to the claimant, who can disburse the money as needed. How you administer your refund money is up to your organization. ​You may want to consult your tax advisor to determine tax reporting and payment obligations from the refund.​​

​There can be multiple settlements in a given industry for similar allegations of price fixing, collusion or other anti-competitive practices. If there are related settlements which can benefit your company, SRG can file a claim for you in multiple cases. In some cases your purchases can overlap and lead to multiple refund opportunities.​

Settlement Recovery Group, LLC (“SRG”) is not the official claims administrator, class counsel or any party in the case. SRG is a third party claims filing service that can be hired to file and track claims. We specialize in helping companies and small businesses file claims to obtain their fair share of settlement money from class action lawsuits once a settlement has been reached. Our services are voluntary and are not required to file a claim; claimants may file a no-cost claim on their own. This summary is for informational purposes only and is based on SRG’s review of publicly available case documents. Official information can be found on the case website and on the court docket. This summary is not and should not be construed as legal, tax, or other professional advice.

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